Classic Herd

Darren & Julia Quénault
Manor Farm
La Route de Manoir
St Peter
Telephone: 01534 485692
Darren and Julia Quénault of Classic Herd are the Island’s only independent dairy farmers milking and making fresh dairy products on site at Manor Farm in St Peter’s Village.
In addition to producing milk Classic Herd also produces beef and pork on the farm.
The Quénaults decided to break away from the Jersey Dairy as they wanted to be independent and have total control of their future. They adopt the highest standard of ethics for the well being of the livestock, to protect the natural environment of the 400-vergée farm and for quality.
Their milk is not homogenised which means the fat is not compressed into the milk. Non-homogenised milk is healthier as the fat is digested rather than absorbed into the blood stream. And, they say, it tastes nicer too!
Classic Herd products can also be bought at the Co-op Grand Marchés and selected outlets.